How Do You Make Them Feel?

Your clients only buy what you make them feel.

Describe how your clients feel after they’ve just entrusted their brands, their projects and their reputations to you.

You see, people don’t buy what you do or what you sell. They buy how it (the relational and transactional experience with you) makes them feel.

Do they feel smart? Savvy? Professional? Creative? Safe? Proud?

The value you deliver is the things that money can’t buy. Happiness, safety, fun, security, belonging and even love are some of the feelings you can and need to bring to every promotion experience you create for your customers.

Value is not measured by price. It’s measured by your customers’ perception of what you bring them is worth to them. Focus on what your clients want and how they want to feel. This is what will create loyalty as well as build your personal brand.

So what are you selling? Safety, security, time-savings, convenience, flexibility, joy, peace of mind, more time, less worry?

Remember, it’s not your customers job to remember you. It’s your job to be unforgettable.

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